
Kolejny tom historyczny: Informatyka w służbach specjalnych PRL - do druku



Informujemy, że własnie przekazujemy do druku kolejny tom konkursu historycznego. Jest to obszerne opracowanie dr Jana Burego o informatyce w służbach PRL. 430 stron, w tym ok. 200 stron kopii dokumentów MSW z archiwum IPN. Uprzedzając fakty - pada kolejny mit, informatyka w MSW była bardzo skromna, a praktycznie każda większa fabryka w latach 70-ych dysponowała lepszym sprzętem niż Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych. Zgodnie z umową książka powinna trafić do sieci  za rok. Trzeba uzbroić się cierpliwość, a wcześniej korzystać z bibliotek publicznych i uczelnianych.

Krótkie streszczenie po angielsku:

Information technology in communist Polish intelligence agencies

This book analyses the use of information technology as tradecraft of communist Polish intelligence between the 1950s and 1990, and in terms of the art of crime detection. The core base for the study consists of declassified materials of the former Cold War Polish intelligence agencies, which are now available at the archives of the Polish Institute of National Remembrance. It emphasizes technical determinants, which affected the development and advancement of computer technology behind the Iron Curtain due to the CoCom embargo. The book discusses the early development of information technology in the communist Polish ciphers bureau, which domestically pioneered the use of computers for code breaking, control and analysis. Furthermore, the development of large computer databases of individuals, also used for policing, is elaborated, as well as the border traffic control systems. A separate chapter is devoted to the use of computers by the communist Polish foreign intelligence service, which aided information gathering, supervision and data analysis. The use of computers to collect and analyze data from radio interception is also included. A separate chapter is devoted to the development of information technology in the communist Polish military intelligence and counterintelligence, which were used to collect and analyze the vast material on their adversary, also gathered through signals intelligence. The book is concluded by an elaboration of information security measures undertaken in communist Poland to include data encryption and the unauthorized information leakage prevention due to uncontrollable electromagnetic emanations. The book also includes the facsimiles of selected archival records, which illustrate crucial moment in the development of information technology in the Cold War Polish intelligence services.


Kolejny tom - historia edukacji informatycznej - w opracowaniu.